Type J Safety Joints Product Link Icon

Simple two-piece construction made of heat-treated alloy steel allows easy make-up and release. The Logan Type J Safety Joint provides a release option from tools such as taper taps or die collars that are normally non-releasable. It also provides a way to connect or disconnect fishing string and stuck fish.

Washover Safety Joints Product Link Icon

The simple design of the Logan Washover Safety Joint has no release ring, which allows for quick disengagement procedures of the tool. This Joint is designed for the safe and dependable release from drilling, fishing, tubing, washover, or testing strings should they become stuck.

Tubing Safety Joints Product Link Icon

The Logan Tubing Safety Joint is designed for the safe and dependable release from drilling, fishing, tubing, washover, or testing strings should they become stuck. The simple design of the Tubing Safety Joint has no release ring, which allows for quick disengagement procedures of the tool.

Drill Pipe Safety Joints Product Link Icon

The simple design of the Logan Drill Pipe Safety Joint has no release ring, which allows for quick disengagement procedures of the tool. The tool is designed for the safe and dependable release from drilling, fishing, tubing, washover, or testing strings should they become stuck.

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